Become an Adjuster
The Adjuster School is the #1 resource to help individuals Become A Licensed Adjuster. All of our courses and training products are supported by Eric Thomas, a proven insurance professional with 27 years of experience. Many schools claim to have experienced leadership, but when you ask some specific questions regarding experience, they quickly change the subject.
Who needs the Texas All Lines Adjuster License?
Obviously, if you are a Resident of Texas, obtaining your Texas All Lines Adjuster License is the first step in beginning your career as an Adjuster. The Texas All Lines Adjuster License will allow you to work as an Independent Adjuster or Staff Adjuster. With the Texas All Lines Adjuster License, you will be able to handle All-Lines of Insurance (Homeowners, Auto, Commercial, Catastrophe, Inland/Ocean Marine, Workers Comp etc.). Obtaining the Texas All-Lines Adjuster License will also allow you to enjoy the full benefits of Reciprocity in the reciprocating states. This means that you can obtain your license in these states without having to take any other courses, or exams (Huge Benefit)!

Residents From These States Enjoy The Full Benefits Of The Texas All Lines Adjuster License:

What If I'm From A State That Does Not Require An Adjuster's License?
Their are several other states that do not require an adjuster to be licensed. If you are a resident of a state that does not require an insurance adjuster to be licensed, then you need to obtain the Texas All Lines Adjuster License. In this case, Texas will allow you to become a Licensed Texas Adjuster, and they will issue you a Texas Non-Resident Licensed – Designated Home State Texas. This is a Huge Benefit for these residents whose state does not require a license. What this means to you is that you will also be able to enjoy the Full Benefits of Reciprocity, and obtain your Adjuster’s License in other reciprocating states (ex. Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, and many more) without having to take any other courses or exams. In a nutshell, you basically will have the same licensing benefits as a Texas resident.